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Pastor Alaric Singletary

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Alaric Singletary was called to serve as the Senior Pastor of Wind of the Spirit Worship Center, affectionately known as “The Wind” on January 6, 2019. This appointment was of God and affirmed by Founding Pastor, Dr. Michael Edwards.  From a very early age, Pastor Singletary knew that he would serve the Lord in an extraordinary way and one day the Lord shared the vision and settled in his heart that he would be called to Shepherd a church. Unbeknownst to him at that time, the calling would be realized at his home church approximately 25 years later. Pastor Singletary recommitted his life to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior on June 26, 1998.  It was just a short time later that he met and married his lovely wife Amber in 2000. From that point on, they have faithfully served in ministry together. The Lord has also blessed their union by giving them three amazing children who add daily to their lives.

Acknowledging the call of God upon his life, Pastor Singletary served faithfully under the leadership of Founding Pastor, Dr. Michael Edwards for 18 years in various capacities within the church.  He served as an Associate Minister, Youth Pastor, Young Adult Facilitator, Children’s Church Team member, Church Council Chairperson, Elder, and Assistant Pastor. In these roles, the Lord cultivated ministry and prepared his heart for the greatest responsibility he would yet hold, as the current Pastor of this house. Pastor Singletary counts it an awesome privilege to be chosen by God to serve His people and His purpose for The Wind.

In 2016, Pastor Singletary became a licensed Minister in the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, and then in October 2018, he received his Ordination License also by the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel.

Pastor Singletary is committed both to spiritual growth and educational growth and as a bi-vocational Pastor, he aims to encourage and model both. He has been fortunate to pursue and obtain his Bachelors’ degree and three Masters degrees and is pursuing his degree in Doctorate of Ministry . Pastor Singletary believes that it is never too late to increase in knowledge and understanding, both of the Word of God and of “the books.”

More of teacher, with a little preacher mixed in, Pastor Singletary desires to inspire people to “serve God with all their heart, all their soul and all their strength.”  His borrowed mantra that “We are a BATTTLESHIP, not a CRUISESHIP!” can be heard almost every Sunday Morning as his way of reminding people that we come not to be served, but to serve and to advance the Kingdom of God by using our God-given gifts and talents, both inside the church and outside the church. One would find that Pastor Singletary’s messages are practical, relevant and spoken in a manner that everyone receives a word from the Lord. Following Acts 13:36, it is evident that Pastor Singletary is determined to “serve his purpose in his generation.”

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Meet Our Executive Team (left to right)

Pastor Valdovinos, Lady Valdovinos, Pastor Singletary, 1st Lady Singletary, Pastor Thompson, Lady Thompson.

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